Phone: (84) 919897576    Adress: 40/2 Road 27, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City


Initially finding necrotic bacteria on individual shrimp hepatopancreas

30-07-2015 08:20:00

Veterinary Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), said that the support of international organizations and leading experts on fish pathology, until now research the causes septic syndrome hepatopancreatic element levels (AHPNS) on shrimp had the initial results.

  1. tôm chết
    Mortality in shrimp ponds in Vinh Trach, Bac Lieu
According to the study, the pathogen was identified as Vibrio parahaemolytics.
This bacterium has been infected by a phage (phagc) powerful toxin syndrome AHPNS shrimp, bacteria and not carry TDH (haemolysis direct gene resistant to temperature ) capable of causing disease in humans.
To prevent AHPNS Syndrome effectively and reduce damage to aquaculture, DAH suggested Veterinary Department, the Fisheries Department of the provinces and cities to implement measures.
Specifically, the guidelines should shrimp farms buy seed from hatcheries prestige, quality assurance, have quarantine certificates of veterinary offices; use only quality food, while ensuring good environmental conditions, aquaculture, increasing resistance for shrimps.
In addition, new shrimp drop must be closely monitored, while shrimp unusual signs must immediately notify the veterinary authorities for timely handling; guaranteed time vacant pond or farm periodic other objects to cut the lifecycle of pathogens.
Veterinary Department, fisheries and aquaculture management to cut the transportation of shrimp and shrimp products in the country to prevent the spread of pathogens; strictly implement the inspection and control of the use of drugs, biological products, microorganisms and chemicals used in aquaculture must be within the permitted list circulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
According to the Animal Health Department, since 2011, new diseases caused AHPNS syndrome in shrimp caused extensive damage on a large area in the southern provinces, particularly serious in Soc Trang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau.
AHPNS diseases continue to occur in most of the coastal provinces across the country and highly complex movements in 2012.
DAH is continuing in collaboration with research institutions, domestic and foreign experts, FAO supported projects to study the factors, the spread of the disease, diagnostic procedures and effective prevention and treatment measures Results.


  • Adress: 40/2 Road 27, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone: (84) 919897576
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