Phone: (84) 919897576    Adress: 40/2 Road 27, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

Capture fisheries in the first 6 months

In the first 6 months of the year, fishing activities continue to experience some difficulties affecting production and production efficiency, such as rising oil prices, labor shortages fisheries, fisheries forecasting declaration seafood operators have n

Will soon have a survey of fishery products smuggled

At briefings quality management of agricultural materials, food safety and agriculture, forestry and fisheries 6/5 day, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu said, before the information on fishery products as sturgeon,

Initially finding necrotic bacteria on individual shrimp hepatopancreas

Veterinary Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), said that the support of international organizations and leading experts on fish pathology, until now research the causes septic syndrome hepatopancreatic element levels (AHPNS) on shr


  • Adress: 40/2 Road 27, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone: (84) 919897576
  • Mail: - -